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Innovative Solutions for Pest Control and Crop Protection


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AMINOCOP is a copper-based fungicide designed to protect crops from a wide range of fungal diseases. It is suitable for use on a variety of crops, providing effective disease control and promoting healthy growth.


  • Broad-Spectrum Disease Control: Effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens, including blights, mildews, and rusts.
  • Copper-Based Formulation: Utilizes copper as an active ingredient, providing natural and effective disease control.
  • Preventive and Curative: Can be used both preventively to protect healthy plants and curatively to manage existing infections.
  • Easy Mixing and Application: Formulated for easy mixing with water and application using standard spray equipment.


  • Enhanced Crop Health: By controlling fungal diseases, AMINOCOP helps to ensure healthy crop growth and higher yields.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for use on a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
  • Natural Disease Control: The copper-based formulation provides a natural and environmentally friendly solution for disease management.
  • Improved Quality: By preventing and managing diseases, AMINOCOP helps to produce higher quality crops, improving marketability and profitability.


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